David Wallace-Wells: The climate future looks darker than today but brighter than many expected not that long ago.

      David Wallace-Wells: The climate future looks darker than today but brighter than many expected not that long ago.

<p><a href="https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/10/26/magazine/climate-change-warming-world.html?unlocked_article_code=yOE39wLoQimT-fXzlwZ9lc3d7dXwP2fQumdVEjhSQBbLolyu5461INeOGBA_cYRNpnWhev09LzoZ5q5_Z-EKw1JOdf2NEHhp9t3b2NhS4aiLRe2gxucRNUgdsonkQj_ANvfszitCdNm5e4wF">&#x021A9;&#xFE0E; The New York Times Magazine</a></p>

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